I love building projects because they are a great way to hone my coding skills and boost my confidence. You can find some of these projects below and also on my Github.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, MongoDB
YelpCamp is a website where camp lovers can view, create, edit and comment on the campgrounds they are interested in. It is built on Node.js and deployed on Heroku.
BMI Calculator
Technologies: C#, JSON, ASP.net, Azure, Swift, C#
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. BMI Calculator is a MVC architecture-based mobile application implemented in Swift. The app uses web API calls to calculate the BMI scores and display the information to user after processing the JSON results. An adult’s body mass index (BMI) measures body fat based on height and weight. The BMI Calculator is a mobile application that calculates a user’s BMI for a given height and weight. The app is implemented in Swift and uses a C# backend server.
Sport Concussion Assessment System
Technologies: Java, Astah
Sport concussion Assessment System is an application that help athletes and medical staff diagnose symptoms of concussion. The project is implemented in Java and the class diagram is developed using Astah.